Sunday, April 5, 2009

The TPLO Surgery

The TPLO Surgery took place only 4 days after the injury.Dr. Stepnick said Abbie looked great when he opened her up and couldn't find much evidence of arthritis setting in yet. A very good thing.

The Procedure took about 2 1/2 hours, 1 hour longer than normal. Our biggest worry was the Anesthesia, but she took it well. We got the phone call about 5-6 hours after the surgery that she was recovering well and we would likely be able to get her in the morning.

The next morning, the Dr. on duty called an said everything was going well, except she wasn't eating. They wanted to watch her throughout the day and we could pick her up later on. We figured it was because she had never been alone like that before and just needed to be home.We found out later we were right.

We picked up Abbie around 1700 and headed home, before getting there though,we had to stop and get her a recovery ice cream.

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